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My father-in-law passed away, then a week later my wife died . . . she had a massive heart attack at the age of 47. I was really grieving. My pastor suggested I meet with a Stephen Minister and soon after that I met my Stephen Minister. He asked me several questions, then asked me "how do you really feel"? That discussion helped me really open up and think in depth about my true feelings. Subsequent discussions continued to help me feel even further relief that I could not have felt without my Stephen Minister.

I experienced a recurrence of ovarian cancer. After several friends strongly recommended it, I began meeting with a Stephen Minister from the Stephen Ministry in my church. After a few meetings with her, I really trust her and I feel a special love from her. This experience has done so much for me in my spiritual relationship with the Lord and in my faith journey as well.

As a single person I learned I was pregnant. I thought that because I was employed and financially stable, I could have this child and support both of us. However, only two weeks later I was laid off from my job. I didn't know what to do, so the first step I took was meeting with my pastor. His first suggestion was for me to consider our church's Stephen Ministry. My Stephen Minister was amazing. She never judged me, didn't tell me what to do; but in my heart and mind she was always by my side. Her love and friendship strengthened me while I got thru to finding a new, better job and also became more active in my church.

My wife announced that she would be leaving our marriage and would file for divorce. I had no one to turn to, I felt lost. A few days later in church I saw the banner on the wall describing our Stephen Ministry, and I felt like it was speaking directly to me. I was soon introduced to the man who would be my Stephen Minister. After many discussions and much prayer, I can say that our Stephen Ministry, and particularly my Stephen Minister, have changed my life. I have learned that God does care, his shoulders are broad. And I am no longer lost.

Grainy Surface


Saturday: 5:00 PM Mark's Place Contemporary Service - Parish Hall


Sunday Services: (click for more info)

8:00 AM -  Holy Eucharist Rite I

10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II


Wednesday Service: 9:00 AM  Communion 

Thursday Service:  12:00 PM Healing Service


258 W Franklin Blvd

Gastonia, NC 28052

Office Hours:  9am-5pm Mon-Thurs

Office: (704) 864-4531

After-hours Emergency - 704 718-7034


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