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Mission & Ministries

Ministry and missions...what's the difference?

One way of looking at the difference between ministry and missions involves the questions of "where" and "to whom". Ministry takes place within the body of Christ, while missions happen outside the walls of the church. For instance, if your Men's Ministry group goes to put a new roof on the house of a shut-in who is a member of your church - that's ministry. If, however, the next weekend your group goes right next door and puts a roof on the house of a non-believer - and tells that person that you're doing it in Christ's name - that's missions. Both are important. 


We are all ministers and all called to some form of mission; the key is to see what spiritual gifts God has given to each of us. We can then find our place of service, telling the good news of Christ as we go.

The Ministries of our parish help us to welcome the stranger, worship with thanksgiving and praise, share fellowship and stories, learn the Word of God, and ultimately become the Body of Christ in our community. There are so many opportunities: in casual conversation, classes, assisting worship, hosting coffee hour, organizing celebrations, and helping our own members in need through Second Helping Food Pantry, Stephen Ministry, and caring for those who grieve.

The Mission of St. Mark's outreach is to share the Love of Christ by helping people in need in our surrounding community of Gaston County NC. St. Mark's ministers (that's all of us) participate in the following outreach missions assisting hundreds of people every year: Crisis Assistance Ministries (CAM), Habitat for Humanity, Backpack Weekend Food Program, Blessing Bags, Counseling, Prayer Shawls, Salvation Army, Meals on Wheels, School Supplies, Kairos Prison Ministry, AA, ESL, assisting our homeless neighbors, and many, many feeding ministries. 

There are so many ways to serve, but it helps to start by trying just one. If it fits, you will know. If you want to know more about any of these programs, feel free to contact the church office (





Saturday: 5:00 PM Mark's Place Contemporary Service - Parish Hall

Sunday Services: (click for more info)

8:00 AM -  Holy Eucharist Rite I

10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II

Wednesday Service: 9:00 AM  Communion 

Thursday Service:  12:00 PM Healing Service


258 W Franklin Blvd

Gastonia, NC 28052

Office Hours:  9am-5pm Mon-Thurs

Office: (704) 864-4531

After-hours Emergency - 704 718-7034

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